Are you interested in becoming a Robostang?

Below we have information and important dates for our team application process. 

Important Dates


  • Whole group team information and application information

  • Each subgroup will present what they do in roundtable style 

  • Application will be released at the end of the night

  • Presentation Links

20th Information Night - 7-8:30 PM @ Robostangs Shop

25th Application due

  • Application will close at midnight

27th Interviews - 6:30-8:30 PM @ Robostangs Shop

  • The interview consists of a group activity and a one on one interview


8th-9th Acceptance Letters are sent out

  • Once you are accepted on the team you will be required to attend this meeting 

11th Student and Parent Orientation


Do I need previous knowledge to join the team?

No! Part of being a Robostang is learning new skills. If you are interested in a certain part of robotics, we will teach you the knowledge you need to know 

What are the membership requirements?

We have certain requirements regarding attendance and participation. As a Robotics team we are looking for committed members and parents. The requirements include team meetings, outreach (volunteer) hours, required events and parent participation.

We will go over the membership details later.
